

My husband and I are on the road a lot. I enjoy traveling and my husband enjoys being in the motor home business so that works out well for the both of us.

We buy a lot of motor homes and I often drive one too if we buy more than one motor home at a time. I’ll never forget a few of years ago I got on I-4 West in Florida driving a 36-foot motor home back home to Texas, when I suddenly realized I’d forgot to adjust the side mirrors! The right mirror was totally turned in and I couldn’t see the cars to the right of me at all. I quickly called my husband who was driving ahead of me, to have him look back and tell me if I could change lanes so I could exit and fix my mirrors.

That was my first (and hopefully last) mistake concerning my mirrors while driving a motor home. I’ve learned to trust and depend very much on those mirrors.

Mirrors are helpful in little things too. All through my grade school years I was extremely near-sighted and wore glasses. I remember on my 13th birthday, my parents, at the suggestion of my sister, Joyce, gave me the gift of hard contact lenses. I was so excited about not having to wear my old glasses anymore but was a little nervous about putting the contacts in my eyes. The eye doctor eased my fears by teaching me how to put them in using a small mirror. With that small mirror and a little bit of practice it wasn’t long before I was a pro at it.

So in January of 2018 I decided to read through the Bible, again. I think this was my third time of reading through the Bible. As usual, I learn and/or discover new insights each time I read the Bible. Even simple things. For example I don’t think I ever realized until the 2018 reading that the Ten Commandments are written down in both Exodus and Deuteronomy. It’s common actually for the Bible to repeat laws and various verses in the Bible and The Ten Commandments are certainly important enough to be repeated. So, it got me thinking about the Law.

The Law is actually like a mirror. Like a mirror, the Law helps us to see the “dirt and imperfections,” (aka the sin) in our lives.

Just as a mirror shows us what we really look like, the Law convicts us of our sin, and the only cure for the sin in our life is Jesus.

“Therefore the law was our tutor to bring usto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Galatians 3:24

To be clear, the Law doesn’t save us. Only Jesus saves. But, the recognizing of our need to be saved, seeing the “the dirt and imperfections in the mirror” aka, the sin in our life, is a step to salvation.

“The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.” Martin Luther

So the Law makes us aware and convicts us of our sin.


Turning away from sin in repentance, and turning to Jesus Christ in faith, trusting in Him for the forgiveness of our sin. and believing that He is who He says He is, is what brings us into a right relationship with Christ.

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15

Something to think about the next time you look in the mirror.