A Cord Of Three Strands

A Cord Of Three Strands

We spent our 40th wedding anniversary unexpectedly in Polk City, Florida at our little mobile home that we work out of when in Florida. The date was March 15, 2020. It was definitely not where we planned to be on this date. Like most everyone else during this time period our plans were interrupted by a what we now refer to as a “Plandemic” called Covid-19. Otherwise we would have been on the first day of our 10-day cruise to the southern Caribbean celebrating our 40th Anniversary.

The Royal Caribbean cruise was to have left from Ft Lauderdale on March 15, returning 10 days later with stops in,

Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas

St Johns, Antigua

Roseau, Dominica

Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis, and

Philipsburg, St Maarten

The trip that was. 😔

March 15, 2020 💍 40th Anniversary, Polk City, FL

So, instead of being on a wonderful cruise, that we’d been planning for over a year, we found ourselves hunkered down in that little living room on this day watching President Trump on TV. He was basically telling everyone to shut everything down: all of the cruise ships were ordered to cancel their cruises; everyone except “essential workers” were ordered to stay home; and all of the businesses were ordered to shut down, unless they were deemed an “essential” business.

Thankfully our business was deemed an “essential business” and we were able to stay open. Special thanks goes out to our daughter Mackenzie who stepped up to the plate and helped her dad stay in business. Our other two daughters, Michelle and Megan were also very helpful during this time as well. I really don’t think we could have stayed in business without all of their help. We were then, as we are today, so very thankful 🙌🏻 for our family. ❤️

But, during this time,

Countless people had much more than just interrupted travel plans and work related issues.

Much much more…

Countless people died as a result of being put in hospital ICU’s and having their lungs shredded by ventilators.

Countless more people died from being administered Remdesivir at those same hospitals.

And then,

In 2021, the Covid-19 vaccines entered the scene and deaths increased.


Vaccine injuries increased.


Censorship of doctors and scientists who spoke out against Covid-19 and the Covid-19 vaccines became the norm.

Truth be told, it wasn’t until a few months later that we realized the so-called Covid-19 pandemic 😷 wasn’t what we were originally told it was. I’m thankful for alternative news sources and am especially thankful for Keith Malcomson, a pastor from Ireland who helped open my eyes to the truth in November of 2020.

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, we had some very serious issues going on then as well as now, and it’s not just in the USA, but worldwide.

A world where our governments, our leaders, corporations, and an elite class of self appointed world leaders can not be trusted.

March 15, 1980 💍

So, we find ourselves living in a very different world than when we first married, in 1980.

But, together with God, we’ve found in Him a cord of three strands is not easily broken. We will together continue look to God for protection and provision, and trust in His providence as we look to the future.

“And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12